In some cases, using an air purifier can cause allergies to worsen rather than improve. This is usually due to ionizing units that increase the amount of allergens and dust in the air. It is important to avoid air purifiers that generate ozone, as this is a respiratory irritant and can worsen allergy or asthma symptoms. Using a HEPA filter in your home can remove most airborne particles that could worsen allergies.
Indoor air quality could be worsening your allergies, so it is important to take steps to improve it. An air purifier removes particles, gases, and other contaminants from indoor air, making the air cleaner to breathe. If you experience frequent allergies, you may be looking for one that specifically filters out particles that can cause allergic reactions. For example, activated carbon filters will better eliminate odors, but they won't be as good at removing pollen from the air.
Allergy UK reports that allergies can trigger an asthma attack in up to 90% of children and 60% of adults. Knowledge is power, and by reading about allergies and the different types of air purifiers that exist, you can empower yourself to make the right choices. This means that in addition to the purchase price of an air purifier, you should also consider operating costs and filter replacement costs. Washable air filters are generally made of woven polypropylene media and are electrostatically charged to capture more particles.
Air filters in the central heating and air conditioning ducts in your home or in the portable air purifiers in your rooms help eliminate indoor pollutants. For example, HEPA filters, UV air filters, and ion filters are very good at removing dust, dander, pollen and mold, but they're not good at eliminating odors. Pair this fan with your smartphone to get real-time readings of impurities that are extracted from the air. With an activated carbon HEPA filter, room air is filtered through four levels of cleaning to collect microscopic particles that often cause an allergic reaction, such as pollen, dust and pet dander.
Particles that cause pet allergies can be removed by using an air purifier equipped with a HEPA filter. Studies have shown that air purifiers can help people with common allergies by trapping pollen and other irritants inside their filters, but there is still little consensus on the subject. With an activated carbon HEPA filter, room air is filtered through four levels of cleaning to collect microscopic particles that often trigger an allergic reaction, such as pollen, dust and pet dander. Any air purifier that produces ozone during the filtration process, for example, an ionic air purifier, is considered harmful to anyone with a respiratory illness and can worsen allergy symptoms.